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Project information

The decarbonisation of heavy-duty transport in Spain and Portugal

R. Cossent P. Linares M. Pérez-Bravo S. Serna

December 2022 - April 2023

Funding entity Asociación Ibérica de Gas Natural, Hidrógeno y Gas Renovable para la Movilidad (GASNAM)

The projects aims to carry out a study on "The decarbonisation of heavy-duty transport in Spain and Portugal", including the following elements:
• Characterization of the current state of the transport sector, particularly land and maritime heavy-duty transport.
• Evaluation of the penetration of alternative fuels in the heavy-duty transport in Spain and Portugal, including fleets, fuel supply infrastructure, and utilization.
• Status of projects for the production of biomethane and hydrogen, particularly those aimed at supplying land and martime transport demand.
• Identification and evaluation of recent regulatory developments relevant to the objectives of the study, and analysis of compliance with energy policy objectives.
• Carry out a comparison between the situation in Spain and Portugal and the leading European countries in production and use of renewable gases for transport.

Layman's summary: This study analyzes the current state of alternative fuels in land and maritime heavy-duty transport in Spain and Portugal: vehicles, refueling stations and use. The report includes an international comparison and an analysis of relevant policy and regulation.
